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Vitamindrip® US Products & Services 

Quality Assurance: 503B Outsourcing Facility

Outsourcing facilities are sometimes referred to as 503B outsourcing facilities because 503B refers to the filling of “office use” or “office administered” medications.

Vitamindrip® "ORIGINAL" Blend

$60.38 per treatment


Vitamindrip® “ORIGINAL” Blend Administration:

Developed to yield 1 patient IV.

Each vial is 10ml’s.The blend contains one multi dose vial.To administer the blend as intended, draw 10ml’s from the vial and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag.


Ascorbic Acid 64.4mg, B1 1.62, B2 3.23, B3 1.62, B5 4.07, B6 1.63, B12 Hydroxobalamin 0.1mcg, Calcium Gluconate 4.03mg/ml

Vitamindrip® "HYDRATION" Kit

$23.93 per treatment $239.26 per kit

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Vitamindrip® “HYDRATION” Kit Administration:

Developed so that each kit would yield 10+ patient IV’s.
Each vial within the kit is 30ml’s.
The kits contains three multi dose vials.
To administer the kit as intended, draw 1-3 ml’s from each vial and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag.


Ascorbic Acid- 500mg, B1, B3 @ 100mg/ml B2, B5, B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg/ml, Zinc 1mg/ml,Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, Glutamine 30mg/ml, Ornithine 50mg/ml

Vitamindrip® "ENERGY" Kit

$28.41 per treatment $284.11 per kit

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Vitamindrip® “ENERGY” Kit Administration:

Developed so that each kit would yield 10+ patient IV’s.
Each vial within the kit is 30ml’s.
The kits contains four multi dose vials.
To administer the kit as intended, draw 1-3 ml’s from each vial and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag

Ingredients :

Ascorbic Acid- 500mg, B1, B3 @ 100mg/ml B2, B5, B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg/ml, Zinc 1mg/ml,Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, Proline 50mg, Arginine 100mg, Lysine 50mg, Citrulline 50mg (per ml)

Vitamindrip® "RECOVERY" Kit

$42.56 per treatment $425.56 per kit

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Vitamindrip® “RECOVERY” Kit Administration:

Developed so that each kit would yield 10+ patient IV’s.
Each vial within the kit is 30ml’s or 5ml’s.
The kits contains four 30ml’s multi dose vials and 6 Glutathione 5ml’s single dose vials.
To administer the kit as intended, draw 1-3 ml’s from each of the 30ml’s vials and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag.
Inject (Push) 1-5ml’s of Glutathione as a bolus via the tubing port slowly
over the course of 60-120 seconds.


Ascorbic Acid- 500mg, B1, B3 @ 100mg/ml B2, B5, B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg/ml, Zinc 1mg/ml,Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, Proline 50mg, Arginine 100mg, Lysine 50mg, Citrulline 50mg (per ml), Glutathione 200mg/ml

Vitamindrip® "COSMETIC" Kit

$42.56 per treatment $425.56 per kit

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Vitamindrip® “COSMETIC” Kit Administration:

Developed so that each kit would yield 10+ patient IV’s.
Each vial within the kit is 30ml’s or 5ml’s.
The kits contains four 30ml’s multi dose vials and 6 Glutathione 5ml’s single dose vials.
To administer the kit as intended, draw 1-3 ml’s from each of the 30ml’s vials and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag.
Inject (Push) 1-5ml’s of Glutathione as a bolus via the tubing port slowly
over the course of 60-120 seconds.


Ascorbic Acid- 500mg, B1, B3 @ 100mg/ml B2, B5, B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg/ml, Zinc 1mg/ml,Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, Proline 50mg, Arginine 100mg, Lysine 50mg, Citrulline 50mg (per ml), Glutathione 200mg/ml

Vitamindrip® "DIET AND DETOX" Kit

$40.87 per treatment $408.71 per kit


Vitamindrip® “DIET AND DETOX” Kit Administration:

Developed so that each kit would yield 10+ patient IV’s.
Each vial within the kit is 30ml’s.
The kits contains six 30ml’s multi dose vials.

To administer the kit as intended, draw 1-3 ml’s from L-Carnitine 500mg/ml vial and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag 

To administer the kit as intended, draw 1-3 ml’s from vial 1-4 of the 30ml’s vials and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag.

*Inject (Push) 1-5ml’s of Glutathione as a bolus via the tubing port slowly
 over the course of 60-120 seconds.


Ascorbic Acid- 500mg, B1, B3 @ 100mg/ml B2, B5, B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg/ml, Zinc 1mg,Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, Proline 50mg, Arginine 100mg, Lysine 50mg, Citrulline 50mg (per ml), Glutathione 200mg/ml, Carnitine 500mg/ml

Vitamindrip® "MOOD SUPPORT" Kit

$27.65per treatment $276.46 per kit


Vitamindrip® “MOOD SUPPORT” Kit Administration:

Developed so that each kit would yield 10+ patient IV’s.
Each vial within the kit is 30ml’s.

The kits contains four multi dose vials.

To administer the kit as intended, draw 1-3 ml’s from Methylcobalamin (b12) 5,000mcg/ml vial and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag 

Draw 1-3 ml’s from each of the remaining 30ml’s vials and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag.


B1, B3 @ 100mg/ml B2, B5, B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg, Zinc 1mg,Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, Magnesium Chloride 200mg/ml, Methylcobalamin (b12) 5,000mcg/ml

Vitamindrip® "ACHES AND PAINS" Kit

$38.27 per treatment $382.72 per kit


Vitamindrip® “ACHES AND PAINS” Kit Administration:

Developed so that each kit would yield 10+ patient IV’s.
Each vial within the kit is 30ml’s.

The kits contains six multi dose vials.

To administer the kit as intended, draw 1-3 ml’s from each vial and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag


B1, B3 @ 100mg/ml B2, B5, B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg/ml, Zinc 1mg/ml, Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, L-Lysine 100mg/ml, Calcium 100mg/ml, Proline 100mg/ml, L-Glutamine 30mg/ml


$27.65 per treatment $276.46 per kit

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Vitamindrip® “ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE” Kit Administration:

Developed so that each kit would yield 10+ patient IV’s.

Each vial within the kit is 30ml’s.

The kits contains four multi dose vials.

To administer the kit as intended, draw 1-3 ml’s from Methylcobalamin (b12) 5,000mcg/ml vial and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag 

Draw 1-3 ml’s from each of the remaining 30ml’s vials and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag.


B1, B3 @ 100mg/ml B2, B5, B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg/ml, Zinc 1mg/ml,Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, Methylcobalamin (b12) 5,000mcg/ml, Taurine 50mg/ml

Vitamindrip® "LIBIDO ENHANCER" Kit

$27.65 per treatment $276.46 per kit


Vitamindrip® “LIBIDO ENHANCER” Kit Administration:

Developed so that each kit would yield 10+ patient IV’s.
Each vial within the kit is 30ml’s.

The kits contains four multi dose vials.

To administer the kit as intended, draw 1-2 ml’s from Zinc Sulfate vial and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag .

Draw 1-3 ml’s from each of the remaining 30ml’s vials and inject into a 500 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag.


B1, B3 @ 100mg/ml B2, B5, B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg/ml, Zinc 1mg,Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, Zinc Chloride 0.5mg/ml,Taurine 50mg/ml

Vitamindrip® "HIGH DOSE VITAMIN C" Kit

$40.26 per treatment $402.62per kit


Vitamindrip® “HIGH DOSE VITAMIN C” Kit Administration:

Developed so that each kit would yield 10+ patient IV’s.
Each vial within the kit is 30ml’s.

The kits contains six multi dose vials.

To administer the kit as intended, draw 20 ml’s from Ascorbic Acid 500mg/ml vial and inject into a 500 ml - 1,000 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag 

Draw 1-3 ml’s from Vitamindrip® Vita Complex 30ml’s vial and Vitamindrip® Mineral Blend 30ml’s vial and inject into a 500 ml - 1,000 ml Normal Saline (NS) IV bag.

B1, B3 @ 100mg/ml B2, B5, B6 @ 2mg/ml, MagnesiumCL 80mg/ml, Zinc 1mg,Manganese 0.02mg/ml, Copper 0.2mg/ml, Ascorbic Acid 500mg/ml

Vitamindrip® "NAD+" Kit

$66.13 per treatment $132.25 per kit


Vitamindrip® “NAD+” Kit Administration:

Suggested Reconstitution 􏰒Instructions􏰊

􏰀-Draw up 10ml of bacteriostatic water in a syringe
􏰂-Inject the water into the vial of powder􏰃 aiming the liquid against the vial􏰄s inner wall􏰅
􏰆-Gently roll the vial between palms of the hands􏰃, 30 up to 􏰇90 seconds until the drug dissolves completely􏰅 􏰀􏰈 􏰉􏰈􏰊

 DO NOT USE use if particles are visible
􏰊 The reconstituted solution yields a final concentration of 50mg􏰋/ml of 􏰉NAD+􏰀􏰌 solution􏰅.
􏰍 Store reconstituted solution under refrigeration
􏰎 Use within 28􏰏 􏰀days
􏰀􏰈 DO NOT shake o freeze
􏰐 Keep out of reach of children

􏰜*Product n􏰃aturally ha􏰃s 􏰃 yellowish color prior to reconstitution􏰍

Recommended Dosage:

NAD+ Neurogenerative Treatment "Brain Health" Treatment Guidelines 

-4 hour infusion of 250mg NAD, utilizing a minimum of 500ml Normal Saline.

NAD+ Anti Aging Treatment Guidelines 

-2 hour infusion of 250mg NAD, utilizing a minimum of 500ml Normal Saline.

NAD+ Addiction Treatment Guidelines 

-Safety - Inherently safe at doses of 2gms/day or less, generally give 800 to 1800mg per day, over 3-8 hour treatment for 7-16 days, depending on drug history.


1. NAD+ 500mg Lyophilized Vial Nicotinmide Adenine Dinucleotide, 2. Bacteriostatic Water 10ml Vial

Kits contain vials only, supplies are not included.

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